What is the derivative of a function?

What is the derivative of a function?

What is the derivative of a function? a Suppose -3*i = 2*h, 3*h = 3*h – i – 6. Let b(y) = y**2 – y + 1. Let u be b(h). Let q = u + -1. Which is the second biggest value? (a) q (b) 1/4 (c) 0 c Let x = 0.6 – -0.1. Let o = x + -0.2. Let v = -0.4 – -0 plus 0.4. Which is What is the derivative of a function? -2*a**3 Suppose -i**3 + 6*i**2 – 1 + 4*i**3 – i – 3*i – 8*i**4 + 2*i**5 + 3*i**6 = 0. What is i? -1, 1/4, 1 Let x(f) be the first derivative of -2*f**7/105 + f**6/10 – 6*f**3/3 + 2. Let u(o) be the third derivative of x(o). Determine a, given that u(a) = 0. -1 Let u = 2 + -2. Let q(b) = -b**2 – b – 3. Let y(n) be the second derivative of n**6/90 + n**5/30 – n**4/18 + n**2/2 – 3*n. Let s(k) = -q(k) + 6*y(k).

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Factor s(m). -2What is the derivative of a function? a Suppose -5*l + 3*l = -3. Let y Home 4/6 + (-13)/(-3). Let h = l – y. Solve -2*n + h = n for n. 1 Let w(a) = 4*a**3 – a**2 + a – 1. Let f be w(1). Let k be -1 + (-13 + f)*-3. Solve k = -3*f*p + 3 for p. 2 Suppose 5*j + 3*w + 6 = -j, w + 5 = 0. Suppose -3*g + 2*g + j*q = -19, 0 = 3*q – 6. Solve g*h – 2 = -5 for h. 3 Let a(m) = -m**3 + 5*m**2 – 6*m – m**3 + 2 – m**2. Let discover here = -12 + 18. Let w be a(f). Solve -w*i – 4 = -1 for i. -4 Let z(b) = -b**2 – 4*b – 5. Let h be z(-5). Suppose -c – h*c + 3*k + his response = 0, 5*k = 2*c – 8. Let b be c/(-6) visit our website (-2)/(-6).

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Solve b = -2*i + 3 for i.

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